RE Wrenches Member List Biographies of RE Wrench List Members
What and Why |
What is this member list? This member list is a resource for the members of the Renewable Energy Wrenches mailing list. It's purpose is to allow the various members of the list to share personal and business information, and to serve as an "address book" for those users.
Wrenches? What's That? "Wrench" is the nickname given to those working in the renewable energy industry: installers, system designers, distributors, industry representatives, manufacturers technicians, etc. More specifically, the Wrenches List is for experienced, professional installers in the field.
Registration Agreement This member list is reserved for users of the Renewable Energy Wrenches mailing list. Only persons who have applied and been approved for membership are elegible to include their biography profile in this member list. To apply, send your request to apply@re-wrenches.org. Note that submitting profile information here does not constitute application for membership on the mailing list.
Once you have filled out the profile information your info will be sent to the mailing list administrator for authorization.
This member list system uses cookies to store information on your local computer. These cookies do not contain any of the information you will enter on the registration forms, they serve only to improve your viewing pleasure.
Login and Registration Issues |
Log in instructions Your log in name is your actual name (not email address) exactly as it appears on the profile on this Member List. Punctuation, spaces, and spelling must be the same for your login to be successful. If you are in doubt about the correct form it must take, use the List search feature to find your profile and duplicate the name exactly (copy-and-paste works great for this).
Why can't I log in? If you have registered and been approved and cannot log in then check and double-check your log in name and password (both are contained in the email message you should have received after registering). Usually this is the problem; if not, contact the board administrator -- they should be able to help.
Why do I get logged off automatically? The member list will only keep you logged in for a preset time (60 minutes). This prevents misuse of your account by anyone else if you access the member list from a shared computer, e.g. library, internet cafe, university cluster, etc.
I've lost my password! Don't panic! While your password cannot be retrieved it can be reset. To do this go to the login page and click I forgot my password. Follow the instructions and you should be back online in no time.
I registered in the past but cannot log in anymore! The most likely reasons for this are: you entered an incorrect username or password (check the email you were sent when you first registered) or the registration entry was deleted.
Member Profiles |
How do I show an image at the top of my profile? An image is allowed with your profile. Since the Wrench list is a community of individual pros, it is much preferred to use a personal photo of you rather than equipment or a company logo.
You may upload the image using the controls in your profile edit panel. Click 'Choose' next to the 'Upload Image from your machine' dialog box. A window will open allowing you to browse your computer for the image file you wish to use. Click 'Open' after selecting the file.Images can be deleted by checking the 'Delete Image' box under the image.
Why do you need to know my home address? There's some information that I don't want to provide. You do not have to fill out all lines in the form, for instance, you may prefer to not reveal your home telephone, etc. This information is voluntary. We do ask that you fill out the "Business Information" section in your profile as completely as possible. None of this info will ever be sold, traded or given away for the purposes of marketing. No Salesman will call. This site is not protected by passwords or other means and is publically visible. Please DO NOT share any information that you consider sensitive or private!!!
Member Profile Search Feature A simple search feature lets you find member's profile information quickly. Searching for 'Santa Cruz' would return results for all profiles which contain either or both words, so your results would include profiles of members in both Santa Fe, New Mexico as well as Santa Cruz, California. Searching for 'com' would return nearly all of the profiles as results, as '.com' is used as an extension on so many email and web addresses. You may have to wade through a few extra search results, but searching is still faster than randomly clicking though profiles looking for the information you seek.
Hey! I registered, but my profile doesn't appear on the list! First of all, your profile won't show until your account has been authorized by the administrator. After that, you should know that there are several ways to view the member list. Try sorting the list by name, or joined date ascending/decending, or use the search link at the top of each screen to find your profile.
Contact Information |
RE Wrenches mailing list Administrator The RE Wrenches mailing list is administered by Michael Welch, who can be contacted at michael.welch@re-wrenches.org.
Member List Webmaster and Domain Host Questions and comments about the nuts and bolts of the member list should be directed to Mr. Sharkey, mrsharkey@juno.com.
Links |
RE Wrenches Mailing list To read current and archived messages, see this site: RE Wrenches Archive.
Membership To apply for membership in the RE Wrenches mailing list, send an email request to: apply@re-wrenches.org
Mailing list settings To change listserver email address & settings on the RE Wrenches mailing list, unsubscribe, etc.: http://lists.re-wrenches.org/options.cgi/re-wrenches-re-wrenches.org.
List mailing address To send a message to the mailing list: RE-wrenches@lists.RE-wrenches.org.
Unsubscribe In the unlikely event that you need/want to remove yourself from the RE Wrenches mailing list: re-wrenches-request@lists.re-wrenches.org?subject=unsubscribe.
Etiquette Before you post, read the Wrench List Etiquette document in HTML format, or as an Adobe Reader file.
Sponsor The Renewable Energy Wrenches mailing list is sponsored by Redwood Alliance and supported by membership fees and donations.
Hosting The RE Wrenches Member List is hosted and maintained, and was adapted from forum software created by the phpBB group by Mr. Sharkey. It was extensively updated to run on current PHP versions in February 2021.
phpBB 2 Issues |
Who wrote this member list? This software (in its unmodified form) is produced, released and is copyrighted by phpBB Group. It has been heavily modified by Sharkey to function as a stand-alone member list for the RE Wrenches Mailing list. It is made available under the GNU General Public License and may be freely distributed; see link for more details.
Why isn't X feature available? This software was written by and licensed through phpBB Group. If you believe a feature needs to be added then please visit the phpbb.com website and see what the phpBB Group has to say. Please do not post feature requests to the board at phpbb.com, as the Group uses sourceforge to handle tasking of new features. Please read through the forums and see what, if any, our position may already be for features and then follow the procedure given there. Also consider that this was Sharkey's first lesson in PHP, and he's doing the best he can.
Whom do I contact about abusive and/or legal matters related to this member list? You should contact the administrator of this member list. If you cannot find who that is, you should the owner of the domain (do a whois lookup). Please note that phpBB Group has absolutely no control and cannot in any way be held liable over how, where or by whom this member list is used. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal (cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.) matter not directly related to the phpbb.com website or the discrete software of phpBB itself. If you do email phpBB Group about any third party use of this software then you should expect a terse response or no response at all.