Personal Information:
Name: |
Kelly Larson |
Residence Address: |
City, State: |
Piercy, CA |
Zip Code: |
Residence Telephone Number: |
E-mail address: |
solarwrench@asis.com |
Year of Birth: |
Personal Comments:
I try to live as simply as I can, and encourage my customers to do the same. I mostly cater to the low-end, off-grid market, and many of my customers are women. I enjoy education and delight in making difficult-to-understand concepts simple. I teach co-ed and women-only RE classes.
Business Information:
Business Name: |
Business Address: |
Suite/Unit/Apt #: |
City, State: |
Zip Code: |
Business Telephone: |
Business FAX: |
Business Email Address: |
Business Website: |
Business Founded Month-Year: |
June 2002 |
Principal Product or Service: |
License or Contractor Number: |
868189 |
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: |
Business Comments:
I am a solar and microhydro installer in Northern Mendocino and Humboldt Counties. I worked for Alternative Energy Engineering (now AEE Solar) for 7 years before going out on my own to design, install, and troubleshoot RE systems. I teach energy classes for SEI (Solar Energy International) and SLI (Solar Living Institute), energy fairs and communities. I have an electrical engineering degree and am an electrical contractor in California. (License #:868189, Women owned and operated.)
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2006
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