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Viewing profile :: Jeff Clearwater

Jeff Clearwater

Personal Information:

Name: Jeff Clearwater
Residence Address:  
City, State: Ashland, OR
Zip Code: 97520
Residence Telephone Number: 413-559-9763
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1957

Personal Comments:

Above all we must have Compassion for All and have fun doing it!

Business Information:

Business Name: Village Power Design
Business Address: 800 Buckhorn Springs Rd
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Ashland, OR
Zip Code: 97520
Business Telephone: 413-559-9763
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:  
Business Founded Month-Year: September , 1996
Principal Product or Service: Solar PV Design & Installation, Whole Systems Design
License or Contractor Number: C-46, C-10 #852360
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: November 18, 2003

Business Comments:

Village Power Design Associates draws on 40 years of experience by its primary founder, Jeff Clearwater in the renewable energy movement and industry. Jeff has enjoyed a wide variety of roles, clients and technical systems in his career with the last 25 years devoted to integrating solar electric systems into residences, businesses and "intentional communities" of all kinds; both in the developed and the developing world. Jeff has installed over 300 residential and commerical grid-tied systems AND over 250 off-grid systems - with several in the 20-40 KW range. Jeff has consulted, designed and installed off and on-grid solar, wind, micro hydro, water pumping, biological waste systems and integrated system design for a variety of clients ranging from homesteaders, urban residences, small and large businesses and local, state and national governments from Asia to South & Central America to Europe and Indigenous Nations. Jeff was instrumental in the electric vehicle movement and has taught over 400 educators in renewable energy and appropriate technology and whole systems design all over the world. Jeff helped found the Ecovillage Network of the Americas serving as Council member and Renewable Energy Instructor. Jeff was one of the first NABCEP certified Solar PV Installers in Massachusetts and the U.S.

Village Power Design is a licensed, bonded and insured solar contractor in the State of California.

Last Updated: Apr 4, 2022

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