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Viewing profile :: Jeremy Rodriguez

Personal Information:

Name: Jeremy Rodriguez
Residence Address: 555 Twin Pines Ave.
City, State: Rockvale, CO
Zip Code: 81244
Residence Telephone Number: 719-784-4057
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1970

Personal Comments:

I enjoy the outdoors, motorsports, and spending time with family and friends. I work too much. My wife and I actually finished our new home this April. Wow, what a lot of work. Don't know what to do now!

Business Information:

Business Name: All Solar, Inc
Business Address: 1463 M
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Penrose, CO
Zip Code: 81240
Business Telephone: 719-372-3808
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: Dec 1998
Principal Product or Service: RE Sales, Service, Installation
License or Contractor Number: NA
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: NA

Business Comments:

We serve southern Colorado with a showroom and highway frontage. I am the owner, operator along with my wife Amy, who manages the office, and one technician. We are excited about the opportunities the grid tie market has opened up for Colorado.

Last Updated: Aug 17, 2009

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