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Viewing profile :: Jon Haeme

Personal Information:

Name: Jon Haeme
Residence Address: 1525E 3600N rd
City, State: Kempton, IL
Zip Code: 60946
Residence Telephone Number: 815-253-6216
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1955

Personal Comments:

My family and I built and live in the 1st strawbale home in Illinois

Business Information:

Business Name: Jon Haeme Innovations
Business Address: 1525E 3600N rd
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Kempton, IL
Zip Code: 60946
Business Telephone: 815-253-6216
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:  
Business Founded Month-Year: 01/90
Principal Product or Service: solar PV, small wind installer
License or Contractor Number: #L-2001-177
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: 11/18/03 renewed 11/18/06

Business Comments:

I sell, service and install Solar PV systems and small wind systems

Last Updated: Apr 3, 2008

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