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Viewing profile :: Erin McMahon

Personal Information:

Name: Erin McMahon
Residence Address:  
City, State: San Francisco, CA
Zip Code:  
Residence Telephone Number:  
E-mail address:
Year of Birth:  

Personal Comments:


Business Information:

Business Name: Cooperative Community Energy
Business Address: 534 Fourth Street
Suite/Unit/Apt #: Suite C
City, State: San Rafael, CA
Zip Code: 94901-3360
Business Telephone: (415) 457-0215
Business FAX: (415) 457-0216
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 1/02
Principal Product or Service: Solar System sales & design
License or Contractor Number: none
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: none

Business Comments:

I am an independent consultant providing technical support such as site evaluation, system design, permit package, commissioning, inspection,equipment evaluation, RFP Writing, RFP response, for both on-grid & off-grid applications. I helped start CCEnergy who remains my major client. I an also responsible for sales in the San Francisco area.
I have been working in Solar for over 20 years and have a degree in Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis on renewable energy generation. I am well versed in Building energy use and Title 24 Code Compliance.

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2009

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