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Viewing profile :: Bill Battagin

Personal Information:

Name: Bill Battagin
Residence Address: 5575 Genesee Rd.
City, State: Taylorsville, CA
Zip Code: 95983
Residence Telephone Number: 530.284.7849
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1953

Personal Comments:

Our shop, house, store and a couple rentals are solar powered. As of 12/12, after 13 years of making Biodiesel for our transportation needs, we now also have a Toyota RAV4EV which is charged with an upgraded PV system here. About 80% of my wife's transportation is done with the RAV, the rest with the Jetta TDI. When I'm not hiking, riding my ZERO electric motorcycle or skiing, I'm driving my BioD-powered truck for my transportation.
Interests?...I'm interested in leaving my kids a planet that's worth living on. We all know now what's hit the fan and it's not just our kids responsibility to fix it, it's ours. If we don't try, why would they?

Business Information:

Business Name: Feather River Solar Electric
Business Address: 4291 Nelson St.
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Taylorsville, CA
Zip Code: 95983
Business Telephone: 530-284-7849
Business FAX: 530-284-6544
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 11/95
Principal Product or Service: PV system design, sales, installation
License or Contractor Number: 874049
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: none

Business Comments:

I've had a long time passion for the solutions that solar energy offers. I bought my first PV (literally one) in 1982 and expanded until I had enough panels to call PG&E to ask them to disconnect my house from the grid, which they did. My involvement continued installing off-grid systems until I became a C-10 electrical contractor, thence beginning Feather River Solar Electric. These days I find myself doing mostly grid intertie installations in Plumas County and continue doing some off-grid jobs, upgrades, repairs.

Last Updated: Nov 10, 2013

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