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Viewing profile :: Maverick Brown

Personal Information:

Name: Maverick Brown
Residence Address:  
City, State: Austin, TX
Zip Code:  
Residence Telephone Number:  
E-mail address:
Year of Birth:  

Personal Comments:


Business Information:

Business Name: Maverick Solar Enterprises, Inc.
Business Address: 12010 W HWY 290 STE 230
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Austin, TX
Zip Code: 78737
Business Telephone: 512-919-4493
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 01-2006
Principal Product or Service: Battery-Based RE Systems for Home and Industry
License or Contractor Number: none
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: 14-OCT-2009

Business Comments:

Maverick Brown is the founder and CEO of Maverick Solar Enterprises, a company that specializes in helping people meet their alternative energy goals. Maverick spent almost 20 years as an engineer in the semiconductor industry gaining expertise in design, application and sales. In 2006 he decided to apply his years of knowledge and experience to his long-time fascination with alternative energy. He designs and implements solar, wind and hydro power systems for applications ranging in purpose from small, specialized tasks to entire off-grid systems. Example systems include industrial applications such as Cathodic Protection and residential applications such as cabins and homes.

Last Updated: Jul 4, 2010

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