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Viewing profile :: Mark Richardson

Personal Information:

Name: Mark Richardson
Residence Address: 7 Loudonwood East
City, State: Loudonville, NY
Zip Code: 12211
Residence Telephone Number:  
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1968

Personal Comments:


Business Information:

Business Name: New York Light Energy, LLC
Business Address: 830 Loudon Road
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Latham, NY
Zip Code: 12110
Business Telephone: 518-250-4271 x 1401
Business FAX: 518-250-4374
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 6/2009
Principal Product or Service: Commercial Solar PV
License or Contractor Number: none
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: none

Business Comments:

New York Light Energy designs, installs, and operates photovoltaic power (PV) systems on commercial buildings and properties. The customer only pays for the energy produced and does not invest in any equipment or maintenance. A solar solution reduces the requirement for power from the utility provider and increases energy independence.
I have been involved with NYLE since 3/2011 as the production Manager. Since that time I have been involved with installing just over 2 MW of DC capacity in and around the Albany, NY metro area.

Last Updated: May 31, 2012

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