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Viewing profile :: Steve Higgins
This Wrench List participant is a
Manufacturer's Representative.

Personal Information:

Name: Steve Higgins
Residence Address:  
City, State: Seattle, WA
Zip Code: 98036
Residence Telephone Number: 206 790 5840
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1970

Personal Comments:


Business Information:

Business Name: Surrette Battery Company
Business Address: 1 Station Road
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Springhill, Nova Scotia
Zip Code: B0M1X0
Business Telephone: 206 790 5840
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 1935
Principal Product or Service: Battery Sales/Support
License or Contractor Number: None
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: None

Business Comments:

I am the Technical Services Manager for Surrette Battery company.

Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012

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