Personal Information:
Name: |
Matt Sherald |
Residence Address: |
City, State: |
Thomas, WV |
Zip Code: |
Residence Telephone Number: |
E-mail address: | |
Year of Birth: |
Personal Comments:
Business Information:
Business Name: |
PIMBY Energy, LLC |
Business Address: |
PO Box 284 |
Suite/Unit/Apt #: |
City, State: |
Thomas, WV |
Zip Code: |
26292 |
Business Telephone: |
304-704-5943 |
Business FAX: |
Business Email Address: | |
Business Website: | |
Business Founded Month-Year: |
2006 |
Principal Product or Service: |
Solar PV |
License or Contractor Number: |
WV, VA, MD |
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: |
2010 |
Business Comments:
Sole owner of PIMBY Energy, LLC providing RE services to customers in WV, western MD, and western VA. We do off-grid and grid-tie work. Most installations are solar PV, but we do work with wind on occasion (and I once had a great deal of fun working on a micro-hydro project!).
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2013
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