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Viewing profile :: Dave Angelini

Personal Information:

Name: Dave Angelini
Residence Address: Box 5008 - 189
City, State: Mariposa, CA
Zip Code: 95338
Residence Telephone Number: 2098130060
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1957

Personal Comments:

Prior to Offgrid Solar I ran Astraea Marine Engineering and have during that time sailed and worked both sides of North and South America. Not all of it :)

Business Information:

Business Name: Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
Business Address: Box 5008 - 189
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Mariposa, CA
Zip Code: 95338
Business Telephone: 2098130060
Business FAX: 2098130060
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: 6-2005
Principal Product or Service: Offgrid Solar RE
License or Contractor Number: none
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: none

Business Comments:

Only Offgrid, Only the best! Anywhere.
We can ship most anywhere and I can travel or help you do the job by text or e-mail. Have done this world wide on over 100 offgrid homes.

I do beta testing for new product development.
I have an electrical engineering background and have worked on projects with Schneider Electric Solar, Xantrex, Trace, Outback Power Systems and Array Technology.

Last Updated: Apr 6, 2017

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