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Viewing profile :: Ray Walters

Ray Walters

Personal Information:

Name: Ray Walters
Residence Address: PO Box 534
City, State: Arroyo Hondo, NM
Zip Code: 87513
Residence Telephone Number: (505) 776-3838
E-mail address:
Year of Birth: 1965

Personal Comments:

My 2 kids and partner Elena have survived my solar lifestyle and electric vehicle experiments and still support me.
Father- Dr Bob Walters Solar Engineer with Entech, Inc.
Sister- Terri Walters Engineer at NREL
Come visit Taos, we'll shoot a round of Disc Golf at Sipapu

Business Information:

Business Name: SolarRay, Inc.
Business Address: PO Box 2228
Suite/Unit/Apt #:  
City, State: Taos, NM
Zip Code: 87571
Business Telephone: (505) 737-9553
Business FAX:  
Business Email Address:
Business Website:
Business Founded Month-Year: June, 1997
Principal Product or Service: PV system design and installation
License or Contractor Number: NM Lic # 94737
NABCEP PV (or Wind) Installation Professional Certification Date:: May 12, 2004

Business Comments:

First install- grid intertie in 86,Internship RE dept City of Austin BSME 88 from UT at Austin
US Peace Corps Morroco 88-90 installed 20 Kw worth of PV pumping systems
PVUSA Davis, Ca, installed 20 Kw commercial concentrator system
Hand built Solar adobe strawbale hybrid home
Salvaged 300 Kw commercial concentrator system
Installed over 100 residential systems (to 6 kw PV)
Built 8 electric vehicles to date.
Teaching PV Course at UNM-Taos.

Last Updated: Nov 3, 2006

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